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Tuesday, July 28 Y 10:28 AM

cAme acRoss tis wHile i'm browsiNg thrU otHeRs prOfiLe in tAggEd!!

ReAd it!!!

It mIghT bE usEfUl fOr thOse who nV bEen intO a R/S bEfOre OR dOnnO wAt is LOVE & eTc...!! xD

PS: sOrrY fOr thOse whO dOnnO hOw to rEad in cHineSe. gUesS fOr dE tiMe beInG oLy chineSe vErsIoN iS aVaiLable. hEhe =X

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Monday, July 27 Y 10:57 AM

Was lazy to blog past few days!! hEhe =P sOrry tO aLL my readers…… =.=

As I previously mentioned that Friday I went to my sec frene b’dae party. wE find qUite lOng b4 wE fOund heR chalet nO la.. In de mEanwHile of finding, I sHu kU to my fRene of wAt happENed duRing my wrk place. dAmn SHIOK & SHUANG lo. FINALLY, found hEr chalet le. It’s was not toO bad! I maNaged to eat fully as mi and my buddy reached earliest so we’re the first few to start eating xP hmMm….. wAit & wAit & wAit… sOme of the fArmiliar faces appeared!! hAppy =D bOth of my gUys fReNe (close fRene) wore quIte foRmal & hAndsOme la… WOWwww.. kIp pEeping!! kEke.. tInk of h!m makes my mOod xin hua nu fang (brighten & haPpIer) la. dOn anyhow tink horx =) ThOu indeed I still gOt ……. 4 h!m.. =B ShHhhhhh…….. (anyway I tinK he wOnt gEt to rEad it, so iT’s okiEs) bUt I gUeSs nTh will happened between both of us la. oVerall her party is de first one, I’m quite happy wif w/o much nagGy to my buddy--- yEE ^_- She also gOt dOor gift 4 all of hEr guest thou it’s juz a ice-stick bOx containing colorful sweets but im happy & excited oVer it la.. sEemed so nice & sweet of her la =)) tHx gEr =)) AditioNally, she also make many pieces of cards from construction papers & called all guest to write heR a b’dae msg!! wAaaa… wAt a cReatiVe idea rIte??? envy la cOs shE will received many many wIshing msgEs from freNes & relative..hEhe=P
I wAs lazy to write one 4 hEr so I shared writing wif my buddy. She write & I tink of dE idea.. WE”RE SO HEAVENLY MATCH LA!!! Use to say tis dUring sEc sKol. xD
MISS THOSE DAYS LA!! aNyway fOr thE party, I rAtHer enjoyed myself &

oNcE again hAppy b’dae gEr ---- vIviAn!!

*MISS those days la xD*

On sAt, wEnt dental again!! wEnt to make my tEeth. So UGLY la.. GOSH!! Will sHow ya gUys wEn evEryTing rEaDy. hEe =) on mY wAy out that time, JY msg mi to confirm wif mi if I rEally goNna buy the sWimMing gOggle wif dEgrees. OF CSE LA!!! He gOt staff discount of 40% leh!! dOn buy isn’t it a fOOl of mi??? sUch a gReat dEaL la.. hehe.. thanks arh!! aFter buying, he cAme tO my hse to pAss the stuff to mY mUm since I’m nOt at hmE la. tHou he would call wEn he reached buT he cAme uP to my hSe la (heard from my mum). PAISEH SIA!!! My hse is in a MESS la… MALU! MALU! So MALU la!!!! (wEnt to hIde le la, dOn DaRe 2 Face pPle liAo =( ) lUckiLy wEn my mUm invite he in, he sAy he gg to mEet his godfather fOr lunch liao.. haha =P PHEWwww…. after dEntal, wEnt hme st to wAtch fEi tiAN xi si, wHich JY bOrroWed mi de =)) blars.. SHIOK la!! lOng time nv wAtch CDs fOr so lOng hRs le lorX!!! Hee =B As I started wAtching nOt fRom tHe 1st episode bUt fRom dE ePisOde whIch I stopPeD watching (ePi 11). sO it’s tOok mi a day & a hAlf to finish watching!! fast??? nOt really!! cAn finish W/N half a day if mum nOt watching hEr show loh.. =)

dIn wEnt out on Sunday again, as usual I was LAZY!! Hehe.. aS SAturDay nite I haf my dinner by having instant noodle aGaiN so toDay (sUn) cAnt possibly hAf it la if not I REALLY gonNa haf kidney failure sOon!! In the noon, mEi mei heated up canned Campbell soup previously bought in GIANT! yUmmy… dEn aRd 5 plUs started to cook OUR dinner. I COOKED DE LA thou mei mei did help wIf the cutting of the food. sOme pPle wAs VERY SURPRISED that I nOe hOw to cook la.. hUmPh… bUt acTually I don reaLLy nOe hOw to cOok la. OLY nOe simple dishes eSpecially those ready fOOd from CAN!! hAizz. LOUSY lo.. shLd really go pick uP soMe skiLL fRom my mum la.
I cooked plain porridge with few side dishes: hotdogs, egg with cAi pU (salted pickle), lunChEon mEat & fish cAkes (REALLY SIMPLE RITE???) =( bUt I aTe qUite happily la rAther dEn eating the maGGie mee aGaiN tHou aFter eAting sTill gOt to wAsh the wOk , dIsheS & uTensiLs la =((!! tIrED…. tHe mOst fUnny ting happened wen I wAs bOiling the wAter for cOoking the hOtdogs. aFter pUtting in the hotdogs into the boiled water I thou the water is too much le, so intending to pour some of it into thE sink. But who nOe the wOk handle is loose so wEn im moving the wok containing the boiling water & hotdog, the whole wOk turn right 90 degree la.. The boiling water splashed to the floor sPot whr my mEi & I were standIng at.. tHx gOd, nTh happened to both of us as we managed to jump fast enuF to avoid the the sCalding of oUr legs by the HOT water. mY mei is the funnier ones. She jumped up and backwards like as if she is gG into the Pool la. The worst is wEn she jumping backwards she almost slipped n tripped la.. she faster hold on to dE siNk & mi!! After wiping the floor FULL of the water, I went back cOoking, I keEp tinking back of hEr FUNNY action she did & i keep laughing NON-STOP!!! It’s really funny lo. I jUz cAnnOt sTop de laughing!!! Hahah.. Ur shLd pErsOnaLLy witness tHe scene & u gUys wIll oSo laugh dE same like mi lo. sOundeD qUite bad la, laughing at my own mEi meI bUt it’s rEaLLy FUNNY, FUNNY & FUNNY!!!! xD aFter everything is really, I started eaTing lo.. YUMMY thou nth special over the meal bUt is I cOOked de ma of cse its matter to mi lo =P My mum reached hme she also ate the leftover fOod n porridge. She also sEemeD to eAt till quite happily lo thou I nOe it is NOT nice at all la. THANKS mum 4 de acting arh!! kEke xD
Must REALLY go n learn from mum hOw 2 cook if I gOt the time! BLarsssss =PP

jIa yOu! jIa yOu! jIa yOu!!!! ^ ^

PS: Photos dUring my fRene b’daE will be updated shortly oNce I gOt it!! wasted nv tOok photos of the fOod I cooked la & de incident that happened!! hEhe =x

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Friday, July 24 Y 11:07 AM

I was suPErly dUperLy upSet yesterday by my work!!! I'm not sUre if my colleague wanna purposely sobO mi or wat but waT I’m sure abt is all her words are BULLSHIT la!!!!! I still rmb the very first time, I muz help ah how (JY) with his remaining job as he leave school le so Dr Quek, his boss called mi to handle the rest of the stuff with the help of my colleague. cOs the work involve numbers ($$$$ value), so she told mi a lot of stuffs. For instances: yOu muz be very serious wen working, yOu muz also be responsible for wAt u do cos u r working now no longer juz a student OLY, you don bcos u r a diploma holder dEn u tk everything lightly, wEn comes to work is attitude that mind, wen working, don everything assume!!! U muz comfirm and mOre etc she say la…. (sIck of listing and recalling wat she say) WAHHHH… Guys, yOu noe how angry and unhappy im wen she told mi tis? It’s not as if I made a SERIOUS MISTAKE b4 la. cAnt she sAy more politely wif sMiLe =). yOu noe At that time, wen she taught mi & stuff, her face is super sarcastic. I rEally cant STAND it la. bUt no Choice!!! sInce I’m wOrking now, I gOt to tolerant wiF thing I eSpecially hate and dislikes. sO I ENDURE, ENDURE & ENDURE la!!!! kAozzzz… =S
Past few days, one of the lecturers called me to help him find quotation as he wanna buy a new pump. sO I got to help him since it’s agreed between him n my boss for mi to help him wif it. As it is my first time doing it, I got to consult that sarcastic colleague again. She reminded mi don assume thing, muz double check to confirm. BULLSHIT!!!!!! eNd up all the ting she called mi to put in is WRONG!!!! She have been working hEre for so long la but she taught mi de wrong things. after serious thought abt it, some of the tings might not she purposely de but she also assume thing la. STILL DARE TO CALL PPLE DON ASSUME THING!!! If u’re in my shoe, dOn u feel angry??? I was really naïve and put my trust on her la but wat I gEt in the end?? aT the moment after my Boss told mi my mistakes, I reAlly feel like throwing in the towel and devastated if she pUrposely wAnna HAI WO la. tInk I’m being toO protected by my parents le cOs bCos of tiS sMall ting, I Wanna giv up la. bUt PLEASE continue to protect mi. Hold my hand & continue the journEy wif me thou i noe my pArenTs caNt prOtect mi 4EVER as dey will leave mi sone days. =(( (sOunded liKe my pAreNts are my BF rite??? kEke =PP)I MUZ really get to be independent la. fROm tis incident, it really taught mi a lesson!!! I gOt to noe bEta & uds more that tis world. super realistic aNd nOt as sImple As i tHinK!!! dOn anyhow trust pple!! Luckily, my boss din scold mi for the mistakes I made (don wAnna rEcall the mistakes le) as he noes that I donno abt it since this my first time doing. hOpeFully, no SUCH INCIDENT again. Nevertheless, I still wAna thx de aunty (cOlleague) cos after all she still help mi la. Haizzzzz.. dOn wannA tink abt it le. cOs after sHu kU to My MUM (aS she senses that smth is wrong wif mi, cos after I reached home I doN really sEemed happy and din really talk much so she sudden ask mi if im working well yesterday? hAha =P ) & AH HOW, my mOod tUrnS up betA… x)) NORMAL CRAZY GER AGAIN!!! bLaRs xP
Ok la shall sTOp all my naggy le!! hEhe =B

TonIte gg to vIvian, my sec skol fRene 21st b’dae. HopEfully, deRe is enuf fOOd and nice fOOd for us to eAt ba. cOs went to feW of my fRenes de, not enuf to eat la n keep calling us go eat. SIAO meh??? hAi wo go hOme that time feel super HUNGARY & haf GASTRIC la.. hAiz… pLS gOt fOod 4 mii arh!!!! Yao Gui horx??? keKe =D

sTAy tUne to my nEw pOst ba =)) mUackssss!!! =* & tHx foR listening to mY sTOry =)

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Wednesday, July 22 Y 11:35 AM

yEsterday mOod actually was super dull n down. cos beside the posting I posted earlier yesterday, my work loads in skoL was getting more and more. I’m really super fan and EMO. nO one to SHU KU (talk to abt my unhappiness!! =(( ) At that moment, REALLY GOT THE URGE OF GIVING UP!! bUt I tOld myself: “ In one life, it’s is juz about learning, learning & learning!!! It’s the learning pRoceSS that get us to beta places. So STOP ALL THE NAG and get going ba!!! X) ” it’s indeed works for mi but thou I still nag here & dere la =X hEhe…
aFter work headed hOme straight. nO life??? Yea cAn sAy so. bUt noT for today la. coS today is my 3rd ah yi (aUnt) birthday so gG to Tampines Mall for CELEBRATION!

hUrrAy goT gud fOod to eat liao =P wAited fOr my Dad to cOme hme b4 gg out together. Reached TM ard 7.20PM, since sIs haven dismiss from her work, we went to shop for the gift. WAIT & WAIT &WAIT…… ~ ~ FINALLY, she is here!! wE shop for the gift together and in de end bought a BONIA bag for her. HOPE she will like ba though is last min gift. BUT not I pay de la (Not sure who sharing it)!! =X hahahahs…. aLso cant blame us lo, cos dey told us abt the celebration last min too. After everyone is here, We headed to PU TIEN at Tampines Mall for the CELEBRATION!!! But hOnestly, after tHe celebration of my 3 ah yi birthday, my mood really brighten up la. Thanks to all de jOkers. It’s really fun and loving. =) eVen the waitress also commented that we are so close and seemed so loving and caring la!!! xD dUring the celebration, the birthday ger’s husband is the funniest of all. kEep teasing the waitress like as if wAnna eat hEr TOFU la (dOn anyhow tink horX!! wAt I mEan is jOke wif hEr nia) ^ ^ . jUz TWO wORds to describe thE atmosphere: FUN & MARVELLOUS!!! =B really miss it lots. The LAUGHING sound by all of US!!! mUacksss…


• tHe environment I give a score of 3.5 out of 5
• tHe services given by the staffs was GREAT (smile always except for a couple of dem, polite & gOt courtesy)!!! Give a score of 4.5/5
• tHe food, oly certain dishes are nice especially de SOUP (doono the name of it), the burger. gIVe 3.5 out of 5
• Prices: QUITE EXPENSIVE cOs we order whole seT meal for 15pax but dEre r only few dishes and it costs nealy $800. WOW =O score of 2 out of 5
• The attiude when deY make mistakes: give 4 out 5 =)

OVERALL SCORE is 3.5!!!! nOt too bAd la. PerHaps u cAn tRy it urSElf tO sEE if OUR grading fOr the restaurant is similar or etc…

Dere's oSo cAke cUtting sesSion, which the b'dae ger's daughter bought. sHe also bought a bouqUet of wAter LiLy for her Mum (i miSs my Lily too and tHose losE phOtos =(( ). sO SWEET ofher la. Most funny part is i gueSS her mUm nOe that she boUght cake fOr her la, cOs b4 we get To sit down, the waitress seemed to sAy sMth abt the caKe whether waNa serVe now where fOod haven SerVe yEt la. in addiTion, she leaVe her paRents Saying she Gg to sOme plaCe la. sOooo... she ahga ahga noe le lo. But we keeP tEliing her dere's no cAKe la, thE wAitrEss muz bE confUsed and stUff to blUff her and maKe hEr paiseh as she keeP sAying dere is cAke fOr hEr lo.. hAiz... bUt we FAILED to coNvinCe hEr!! sIanzzzz Zzzzz ~ ~

HeAded hoMe afTer the meal coS it iS raTher late le as everyone haf to work the following day =) By the time I reached home it’s already 11.10PM. After Aathing, brushing of teeth and applying of the necessary stuff, went to ooi ooi straight after that ZZzzzzz….. REALLY super tired after a whole day of work & FUN outside la x))

gUys, YOU ROCKsssss!!! LOVE YA =D


********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Tuesday, July 21 Y 10:56 AM

YeSterdAy off fRom work to gO for thE meDical cHeck-Up at Raffles place (Rafffles Medical) wHich is pArt of tHe proCess foR poLice ofFicer. ThE check up comprises of urine test, x-ray, blood test, eyes test, color test, blood pressure test and body check up test. sHyyyy... x) (all the test i put is in sequence xP)
After i reached the clinic not long after, the person gave mi a small bottle to collect my urine. so told mi muz HALF bottle full but end up cos not really feel like urinating, i oly got a quarter full. wAhahaha XD I was quite panicking actually. wAnted to approach the person but too many people crowded ard the reception table so was kind of shy din find her. bUt luckily, got one malay guy haf the same situation as mi. bUt guy ma so he went to approach the person. tHe person juz say if the urine is not enuf for the test required juz need to come down to the clinic again lo. i wAs praying, hoping that i don haf to tk a trip down again la. hope it'll be enuf for all the necessary tests =))
OUCHhhh.... gOt blOOd test!!! PAIN la.... bUt quite wOrth it yOu kNow WHY??? cOs durIng the wiThdrawing of blood, i got praise by the nurse saying tat i'm the first person she eVer saw so bRave la. mOreover i'm still a gEr. You guys noe why she say i'm brave?? cos usually during blood test, when the nurse gg to insert the needles that time, most of ur while turn away while the blood is being withdraw rite? But im so different la cos I muz look at it to get myself prepared for the inserting of the needle. hahaha =P I'm sUch a WEIRD GER r!te?? Following which, is the eyes & color test. nTh big deAl cOs i paSSed it, gOt 6/6 score of cse with my lenses la. s!llY xP
fInaLLy, its come the last part of the tests---blood pressure and body check up. The body check up was like so Eeeeee la. cOs previously I got Hernia, operation on my lower right part, the dOctor got to help mi check if dere’s any recurring of it. I was damn paiseh lo. But luckily she juz pulled my undies down a bit and called mi cough cough a few times and it’s DONE. Phew…. = =” After that , she pulled my clothe up (up to below my chest) to check my tummy (her hands are COLD =S), and used her stethoscope to check my lungs if everything is normal not. The worst part comes after tis. She called mi to unhook and pull up my bra la. Initially, I thought juz unhooked and pulled up my bra is nth since my clothe is still on but who noes, she told mi she gg to unroll my shirt and CHECK my breasts. OMG!!! I’m super paiseh la. HAIZ =’( She touched & touched & touched!!!! At that moment, im not only paiseh but oso feel itch and cold. REALLY DUPER SUPER PAISEH!!!!!! Even my mum nv seen mi NAKED b4 la. SHY =//// After tis, she checked my neck for my typhoid. Den she gives mi my x-ray film and other report & forms to be handed to the receptionist and told mi that everything is fine (COOL!!!) and juz have to wait for the blood test result to be out (takes a few days I suppose).
After the check up, actually wanna bring mum to shop ard but im a direction idiot so cant really bring her shop ard la. SORRy mum!! =X But we still managed to shop at raffles a while and bought wat I crave 4 very long ----- BROWNIE from The Brownie Factory. A small piece costs mi $3.80 lo. But it’s worth it la. cOs man zhu my CRAVING!!! I shared it with my mum & jiejie (while mit her for lunch) though both of them oly told a few bites nia & I ate the rest of it. gEtting fatter la if tis continues!!! Haha but no cHoice I cant RESIST to gUd nice fOod tis cAse… keke =P
wAnted to go bugis to shop but in the end went to mit sis for lunch instead since bugis can go at anytime. Actually quite sian & tired of shopping the same old place AGAIN!! ~ ~ Reached TM at ard 11:10 & got to wait for my sis til 1300 la. sO juz shop ard hoping time pass faster. hAhas =)
finally, mEt my sis and she sEEmed rushy la cOs wen I wanna told her abt my check-up stuff, she told mi walk first den I was like dOtx ~_~ but Cant blame her la cos she oly got a hr of lunch break. We went for gud food again as mum seemed like kip wanting & craving fOr SUSHI. We went to SAKAE. This meal mEant to be go on dUTCH (having the urge to treat mum but kinda of bRoke so nV saY anyThing) bUt in the end mUm say she gonNa pAy for it so ok lo. oF cse, I’m happier cos I can save money but feel bad la cos mUm din work wat. tHis meal cost us ard $40+++ (13noraml plates and 1 Red plate)
aFter pAying, mUm started to nag. Saying if noe that she is gg to pay she will eat more la. LOL. fUnny arh???!!! dEn to make her happy, I told her later if you hungary, iTreat yOu to eAt KFC. IndeEd, hEr mood brighten up IMMEDIATELY!! hahAsss =)))
Sis went back to work and we went to NTUC to shop for some groceries. bY the time I reached hOme, it’s already 3plus near 4pm. TIRED *yAwNsss* sO after reached hme not long went to tk a short afternoon nap. Woke up ard 1730. ShorT horx??? hEhe xD
have my dinner not long after I woke up. Maybe due to early dinner last nIte, wen I was awake in the nite I feel hungary la. LOL… tIs morning even more HUNGARY!!! bUt den, managed to took two slices for bread b4 off to work. sIanz got to work 4 more days b4 wkends is hERe.
YesterdAe nite, I Really feeling devastated anD heart-wHacking la. dOn ask mi WHY!! tHe one whO makes mi fEEl taT wAy you shld noe WHY urself!!! jUz bcoS of Tat STUPID ting can sour our R/s tis way. iZzit wOrth it??? juZ bcOs of that u aCtually don rEspect mi as uR…… (dOn wAnna sAy out if nOt ur will ask and cOmmeNt abT it). I’m super saD last nite. wHile brushing my teeth last nite, I actually cried la (like running tap water). I tried to stop it but it keeps FLOWING DOWNMY CHIN. Ur can sense and feel how sad am i????? YestERday really gOt a lot oF things PaSt thru my mind lo.. One of the tings make mi cry again & hUrts is sis’s wOrd. I gOt to tell and makes tis clear to aLL of YOU here who haf the cHaNce to read tis!!! I’m not a person who everytimes reveal pple secret out la. I will judge its seriousness b4 sayIng smTh. iF I feel that it’s smTh that caN be sHarE among pple I will sAy but of csE if ting REALLY cant be Say I will juZ be QUIET & ZIP MY MOUTH. I JuZ dOn uds wHy eVEN my CLOSE+BELOVED family members dOn even BELIEVE mi anD uDs mi @ times????? tAt is juz a simple BASIC TRUST between human la.. wHY? WHY?? WHY??? wEn writing tis I REALLY feel the urge of crying again la bUt I CANT cOs I’m wOrking =’( I’m rEAlly collapsing sOon la if tis continues. dOn everyTime sEe mi so happy go lUcky but I really kip sTuff to mYself tAt yOu guys oSo dOnno. yOu know I really lOVES yOu guys but your really @ times dOn even uds hOw I feel aNd NV spare a thought 4 mii!!! I’m a NORAML HUMAN too, I nit lotsa LOVE, CARE & ATTENTION juz like ah DI niT and ya gIveS to HIM!!! I Juz fEel at times Im being condemned!!! sORRY if taT hurt yoU guys too bUt I jUz wAn to vOice oUt tis aS I nO longer I cAn hOld it to myself le. *WO KUAI BENG KUI LE*
At tis mOment, I Really nit a strong SholdEr to lean On & a gReaT pAiR of listening ears. No Matter wAt happens, I’ll still face it and continue with my life cos dere’s nth in tis world tAt cAnt be SOLVED.
I rMb I hEarD pple sAying t!s b4:

++ GOD created problems for us but Dey surely will give us a solution to it but of cSE tis gOt to be dOnE by us wif our hardWoRk & effort. ++

** PS: gUys, yOu dOn haF to wOrry abt mi!!! Also dOn aSk mi anYting. dOn fOrgEt who I’M!! dEfinitEly I wiLL live bEta dEN NOW though wiF such sETbAck tHat hAppEn oN mii =PP **

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Saturday, July 18 Y 10:26 PM

wEnt oRchaRd toDay. UsuAllY jUz wIndoW shOpp!ng fOr mii bUt tOdAy sPent nEarLy $200. nO mOney aGain le.. ='(

IniTaiLLy juZ wAnna bUy my mUlti-purpOse sOlution fOr my coNtact leneS which cOst juZ $21 after $2 disounts. It's qUitE a grEat deAl lo. BesIde 2 big bOttles of sOlution, deRe r sTill cOmpliemtary 4 travel bottles aNd a middLe bAg. wHr to fInD suCh gReaT dEaL la..... kEke =P
wHen gOnna pAy for it, sAw difF brAnds of conTact lenses & aLso geT curiouS abt it aNd starT aSking questionS like wHat thE diff and hoW much the prIce and etc. sO eNd uP bUying half year coNtact len pAck. tHoUgh it's mOre exPensIve den the price i nOrmally pAy 4 bUt the oNe i bouGht is the imProved oneS. iN aDDition, it stiLL gOt ano free pairS to cOme wif it la. tHe aSSt over dEre quite gud, insTead of giviNg mi free one whIch is of the sAme brand as wHat i buy, shE gAve mi free pair that r more eX as it's moRe bREatHabLe & fOr lOng hrS uSage. gReaT!!!! =)) sO afTer sOme caLculaTion, i tink it's still quite worth it and i oso Benefits from it la. sOunDed like i'm caluLative riTe??? bUt nOt thaT cAse la. i Juz dOn wiSh to Pay foR moRe, if i Can gEt betA oFFer out of it. In t!s waY, i cAn sAve up de rEmaIning oR sPend oN somE otHer tinGs whIch i wan. hEhe xD SMART???

aFTer that wEnt to Eat paSta maNia. eNd uP, dEciDed to TreaT my faMily foR it sInce i juZ gOt my Pay. hEhe. Luckily sIs got VIP card, so dEre a 15% disCount. AftEr the dIscount i jUx haf to pAy lEss dEn $60 for 6paX. i tHink its qUite afFordable fOr mi la.. hee =)
WhaT i hAf to do nXt is tO tReAt my godpaRents out fOr a mEal 2. iF nOt, kiNd of UNFAIR rIte?? ^^

aFteR whiCh went to tAka, bought stUff aGain..... hAiz.. rEally bRokE. bOugh a sWimm!ng sUit!! bOught it cOs dEre is ofFer. iF nOt, dE sUit oRiginAl pRice is $70 odd lo.. sOoooo i sAve mOney agAin and sEEmed like i'm a sAving qUeen horx??? jUz to cOnsOle mySelf. =/ LOL... hOping i wOuld ReaLLy uSe it la. cOs sWimminG is a tiRing sPorT.. arGh.. bUt i wiLL maKe mySelf to sWim moRe ofTen so tAt i woNt waste my mOney & lefT the sUit in mY cupbOard 4 tOo loNg coS surEly it wiLL fEel very lonEly de la.... wahahhaha =PP

nOw i'M aWaiTing 4 mY nXt pAy dAy lE....... tIme pASS fAstEr a b!t cAN??? =* If nOt sUpEr pOoR =<>

++ jIa yOu fOr WateVa yOu do xD ++

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Friday, July 17 Y 8:55 PM

hUrraY!!! iT's fRidAe aGaiN.... sUper tiRed aFter a dAy Of woRk. aChiNg aLL ovEr tHe bOdy =(
aLL iS AH HOW fault la. LaSt tiMe, hE kEep hElpiNg mi wIf tiS & taT aNd so dEfinitEly gEt uSe to hiS help le. W/o hiM rEally sUper tedious mAn, eVerytHing goT to do bY mysElf. gOt SIP (internship) student to hElp osO nO uSe, shE dAmn blUr la EspecIally foR the tHinG hAppEn yEsteRday. aRgh!! dOn bOthEr to say. ReaLLy gOt to tK sOme tiMe to adjust tO w/o mR ah how tiMe!! Guys, u see la even ah how is dead le but his sPiRit is sTill hEre harMing & pEsteRing kind pPle liKe mi la xD. pLeAse PleaSe dOn hArm mi lEi hehe O_o sOrry ah hOw, i nOe u muZ bE sUper anGry afTer rEad!ng tiS buT dEn it's rEallY truE lo.... ++ BuT nVthelEss, thx fOr aLL thE stUff you did and heLp mi hee =) ++

EveN thOu sTill cOnsidEring if gg tO joiN police ForCe not bUt i tHink i'LL jUz gO foR dE mEdiCal chEck uP juZ in cAse arH... hehe li hAi r!te? anYwAy nO hArM wAt!!! =P sHall wAit fOr the mEdicaL reSulT oUt le dEn dEciDe agAin =)) ALL dE bEst gEr ^_-

jUz tAlk to mY fRene, OMG she told Me gotTA cut tHe hAirs vEry sHoRt (tHe leNgtH gUys uSually gOt) if gg in tHe poLice fOrce la. gOSH!!!! hOw? hOw?? hOw??? i wAn my lOng hAirssssss... huMph =#
PluS shE alSo tEll mE tHe trAinIng is tOugh mAn tHou caN booSt oUr ovERall cOnfidEnt @ tHe enD oF tHe tRainiNg. bUt i tHink i'm quite a paMper gEr la sO how wIll i Be abLe tO tK it mAn!!!! sIanz.... fAn....

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Y 12:20 PM

Yesterday open letter bOx and foUnd Out tAt i haF reCevied a leTter frOm the pOlicE foRce, inforMing me to go for a mEdiCal exAmiNation. I wAs sHocked aS i did sUper badLy 4 de iNterviEw (nightmAre thinKing back how i had went thRu that inTerView :#). aT first, feEling qUite excited but dEn no loNger so after hear!ng frOm mY fRenE that hairs got tO bB cUt shOrt. aRgh!!!! sAD rite? ImaGin!ng mi wiF a sHoRt haIrs? gOsh... sO uGly la =O SurEly mUz do smTh to it after tHe haIr cut and it gOnnA wAste monEy agAin dE lo. sO now still cOnsiDer!ng if gG for the cHeck-Up nOt. bUt time for cOnsiDeration is sHort mAn as tHe cHecK-uP daTe is th!s cOmiNg mOnDay, 20/07. s!anZ la =( In the mEanwhIle, i also haf reGistered for the spEcialIst dip in BiopharmaCeutical which i tiNk i wiLL be rEaLLy inteResTed in (hOping lo, hEhE =D). But den mid aUguSt den will gEt to nOe if i'm acCePted nOt as vAncanCies for thIs course is quite liMited (ONLY a clAss!!!) as government sUdsiDies 90% of the fUnd and mOnThly miGht still haF $1000 for those self -pAying aPpliCants =) aLsO, iT tK lEss dEn a yEar 2 gEt tHe cErT lo. hUrrAy!! SOOooo...... qUite a gReaT dEal r!te? tAt is wHy i'm iN dIlemmA, wHether to chOose Police de or sHall cOntInUe to stUdy nEi???? wHo cAn giF mi ReAL gUd advICe??? hAiZZzzz =<

sOme dEtAils oF thE cOuRse-- BIOPHARMACEUTICAL (hElP aDveRtISE 4 fUn =P)


Course Synopsis
The day-release Specialist Diploma aims to prepare/re-profile graduates for work in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and related industries. It also serves as a platform for individuals who are already working in a related industry to upgrade/update their skills and knowledge.

This programme would provide hands-on and close to real-life learning through an initial 4 week learning of theory concurrent with laboratory based practicum at TP, followed by 20 weeks of attachment in relevant industries to contextualize the learning in the real world and a final 3 weeks of consolidating the learning at TP. During the internship, participants will continue to learn via on-line modes and guest lectures by industry practitioners.

Career Opportunities
Graduates of the programme would be able to gain employment in pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and related industries as
· product development, production and QA/QC personnel
· regulatory affairs personnel
· sales and marketing personnel

Course Structure
ABP2001 Upstream Bioprocess Technology
ABP3001 Bioreactor Operations
ABP2002 Downstream Bioprocess Technology
ABP3002 Downstream Processing
ABP3003 cGMP for Biopharmaceutical Industry

Modes of Assessment
· Assignments
· Reports
· Quizzes
· Tests

Course Start Date
18 September 2009

Full Time: 27 weeks
· 7 weeks of lessons (Mon to Fri, 6 hours a day)
· 20 weeks of internship* with 3 hours of night lesson for 15 weeks

Closing Date
24 July 2009

Funding Support*
(i) Course Fee (After MOE subsidy)
Singapore Citizen: $438.70
Singapore Permanent Resident: $481.50
Others: $4,387.00
(Above course fees includes GST)

(ii) Training Stipend (by WDA)
Eligible self-paying trainees will be paid $1,000/month

Participants must commit to work in the Biopharmaceutical /Pharmaceutical industries for a Minimum Service Period (MSP) equivalent to 27 weeks of training period. Successful applicants will be required to sign a training agreement with WDA.

*Terms & conditions apply.

Entry Requirements
Singapore Citizen or Permanent Residents of Singapore and must possess:
· A Polytechnic diploma or equivalent (in Science or Engineering); or
· A University degree (in Science or Engineering)
Other candidates may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Temasek Polytechnic reserves the right to alter the course, modify the scale of fees, amend any other information or cancel the course if enrolment is low.

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Wednesday, July 15 Y 9:18 PM

(",) Hi gUys, this is my very first post. This blog is created by my gUd buddy, JY (ah how) with my limited hElp =/ **tHx arh, bUddy!! =P** FiRst of all, Pardon mi if dere is too much ang moh (Eng) errors in my fUtuRe bLoGging cOs my england not that fantastic xD SecondLy, i nOe it is jUz a s!mple blog, nOt fanciful bUt i dO tReasUre it mUch mUch okies!! cOs tiS gG to be a bLog for mI whr i Gg to grow up, unDersTand mysElf, disCovEr wAt i wAn in mY lifE & etc...
Lastly, So stay with m! and let sEe whAt it w!ll beCoMe in fUture (.")

#% My aDvEnTuRe sHall beGin hEre #%

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************



This is my blog.
Please respect it cause it's not yours.

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That girl.

Photobucket FaNg fAnG + Qi q!^^
21 this year and still quite playful
I can also be quite stubborn at times
haPPy gO lUcky, cheerFul, sporty, kind Of OptimisTic, Love to be DotE, cAre & LOved.
LaSt bUt nOt leaST ! love my family and cousins to bits! =)
A l!TTle biT mOre aBt mi: if i'm aLoNe. I'll sTaRt tO tHiNk wIldLy (dOnt t!nk diRtY, gUys!! xD)= sCaRed!!! ~ ~ WaNNa gEt to UdS mYsElf mOre cOs i'm aLreAdy qUite Old Le
bUt still dOnNo wAt i WaN in l!Fe.
*i dOn tHrOw !n tOwEl sO eAs!ly ^_-*
++Reach out 4 wAT u wAnT!! oR u wiLL RegRet...++ tAt iS wAt i pErSoNaLLy tHiNk thOugH I d!n fUlf!ll xD


Loves <33

Shopping, Camwhoring, sLeEPiNg, wAtchiNg tV, eAting, lOvEs eNtErtAinInG pPle =*....
SoUndEd lIke p!gGy liFe hOrx?? hEhE xD


(1) eArN mOrE $$$ fOr mY pAreNts sO dEy dOn haf tO sLog aNyMoRe
(2) wIsh 2 gO !ntO a R/S bUT aFra!d oF gEttiNg hUrt
(3) hOpe mY mR rIte cAn help mI conQuer thOse fEarS in Miii... mUacKzz =* pLs aPPeAr sOon!!
(4) tO gEt iNto tHe sPecIaliSt d!plOma cOuRse wHiCh i jUz AppLiEd fOr =D
(5) thInking =O ....
(6) thInking =O ....
(7) ....
(8) ...

More than words.

This is my tagboard.
Mind what you`re tagging.


Creator: Jing Yong ^^
Designer: bw0kensmile-x
Image Hosting: photobucket.com
Image source: deviatart
Tagboard: cbox.ws.com
Music: imeem