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Wednesday, August 19 Y 10:22 AM

hMmmm.. aFter sEekin advice from most of the pple I nOe I gUeSS tAking up tHe sPeciaLisT dip cOuRse OR Uni wIll be bEtA fOr mi!! hEE =))

++ I’ll jia yOu de!! xD gOnna pAy the fEE sOon! siAnz.. bROke again la =’( hEhe.. ++

Went dEntal clinic aGain yeSterdaE. yEah!! fInally eVeryTing is dOne exCePt 4 gEneRal cHecK-Up!! I’m sTill nOt gG to rEveaL it Until yOu gUys find it urSelF!! I’m sUper dUper happy lo xD

This fEw days @ wOrK rEallY sUper siAnz la. Nth mUch @ dO exCePt fOr sOme fOllOw-Up wOrK to dO nIa!! tIme aT tIs mOmEnt rEaLLy pAss sUper sLow lo!!

mY bUddy cUm sIsta b’dae is aRd de corner. nOt sure if I sHld gO nOt loRxx!! It’S rEally fAR leh.. @ sEntOsa chalet!! iF gG, I gOt to tk oFF like kiNdA bAd cOs kEeP tAKin oFF. But gUess mOst pROb gOt to gO if nOt she’s gOnNa KILL & nAg aT mi fOr lifetime!! waHahaha xD wHo wAn to vOlunTeer to fEtch mi afTer the pARty????!!!!! I’m so sianz tinKin of Gg home after that la.. gOnNa be lonely cOs most of mY fRene sTay at hOugang, Oly iM dE oNe staying at tAmPinEs lo!! sIanz!!

*** PrAYing hard tHat my sIs bf will wAn to vOluntEEr to fEtch mi ba… *** hEhe.. lAter my sis sUre nag la!! oOpss =P

wIshIng uPon dE sTars …….!!!!!

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Monday, August 17 Y 2:00 PM

Shall summarized What happened past few days =)LAZY arh!!! hEhe


• Wasn’t fEeling well so dIn go for wOrk
• fEeLing mUch bEtA in dE nOOn, so WeNt to OrChaRd
• aNothEr rEasOn Gg dEre is cOs I gg somewhR aRd deRe to gEt sOmetHing sInce I decide tO tk up dEgrEe cSe
• dE bOok nEeDed fOr PractIses b4 sItting fOr the IELTS test is sUper EX la (gOt to sit for this tEst cOs to qUalIfy for De cse under PSB academy, nIt a cRedit in O level eNg bUt sAdly I fAIled mY eNg!! =’( )
• dEn after I bOuGht my sTuFF, hEadEd to fAr eAst to shop sHop
• sTay dEre for 4 hourS pLus lo
• MisS my 7Pm show aGaiN… hAiZ =(( (Luckily my aunt gOt dE DVDs ^ ^)
• Taken my dInner in fAr eAst too.. WantOn nOodles.. yUmmy!!
• aFter tAt headed hOme =) mIss my bed la cOs I’m sOOoooo tIred!!


• dO tHe IELTS practice early mOrNing
• ListenIng pArt wAs ok until dE rEading ParT
• I tiNk I cant make it la.. oUt of de 3 paSSages, one of it I don SeemEd to uDs it!! I gOnna gEt below the aCCeptAbLe Band la..
• In tis casE I gOnna wAste money fEw hundreds
• wEnt slp again cos too tired after nearly two hrS oF practice
• rEconSiderinG wEn sHld I go tK de eNg tEst & tk de dEgRee cSe from PSB academy!! hAiz =((
• iNtenDed to stay @ hOmE dE
• bUt JY sAy wAnna Pass mi sMth so dEcided to fOllow mUm to tEmple
• cAlled Jy to help mE Print sOme stuff too since he’s heading to Mit mi lo =) bAd la, eVerYtIme keep cAlliNg hIm to hElP mi wif mY sTuFf.. PaisEh wOrx =X
• mET him @ my hSe dOwnsTairs
• bOught YA KUN kaya for mi la.. wAh x) sO mEtiCulous oF hIm lo =) (Y??? LazY to eLabOraTe!! heE =P ) tHank thank, ah gUI =P hEhe
• sUper long dIn cHaT wiF him sO cAll him Join us for dInnER @ bEdOk
• meanwhile open de LeTTer bOx
• GoT the rEplY from the sPecALisT dIp cOuRse- I’m BeIng oFFer a PlaCe la ^_-
• Waited fOr thE bUs fOr 20+ mIns lo.. sIanz.. mEanwHile Talk to ah gUi aBt Thing that have bEen troubling mE fOr qUite sOmetIme..
• Give me his PieCe of advice =) xIe le!
• DecidEd to tk Up dE sPec dip cse sInce I cAnt aFFord Uni NOW!!! (AH GUI, rmb to start save up horx since u sAy if nXt time I still cant afford to tk de degree cse u gonna lend mi arh!! dOn fOrGet hoRx xP)
• aFter Our dInnEr, we HeadeD to tHe tEmple & Jy headed hOme (to be actual, he went to mit his sis to go for supper. Really super yao gUi la!!! Wahahahha =B).
• ReacheD hOme arD 11+
• bAth, bRusH tEeth & tIme to ZzZzZZzzz…. hEhe =)


• wEnt to 2nd uncle hse
• fEw mOnths dIn went dEre le lo
• sUPer dUper miss my AH MA once I reached uncle hSE dOwNstAir la.. haiZZ..
• My uncle’s wife cOok nice fOoD today!! yeaH =P
• aFter fEw hRs, Headed to 3rd uncle hse aS dEy r sTaying nearby nia =)
• after reachIng, eAt again.. cOs dEy cook GreeN bEan
• Had qUite a bIg bOwl.. cOs it’s rEally yummy!
• ResTed fOr a wHile dEn fEeL sUIper sLpy (I nOe I super PIG =/ )
• WenT to UncLe rOom to tk a naP
• wOke uP already 6Pm la.. tIme pass sUper fAst lo =(
• hEaded tO HouGang mAll
• sPent mOney again.. tAt is wHy I dOn like tO gO oUt lo =X
• Nv tOok out dInnEr & we headed hme
• Reached Home aRd 8plus near 9
• Di helped us buy ouR lAtE dInNeR
• aFter oUr diNnEr, tHink aBt mY dEciSion aGaIn!! I’m so Fickle-minDed la =(
• rEally dOnno wAt I Wan
• if I gIf up oN Police fOrce, im afraid I’LL REGRET la!!
• cOs if wAn re-aPPly still mUz undergo thE sAme interview aGain!! I DONNO… it’s a nItemaRe to mi la.. hAo bU rOng yi being offer a pLace dEn im giving up??? ReaLLy fEel sUper wAsted la!!
• hOW? hOW?? hOw??? Fan la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• dIscUss wif my siS
• aGreEd wif wAt I sAy
• bUt I’m still cOnfUsed abt wAt I sHld rEAlly head fOr la
• I’m so indecisive
• hAte mYself la =/
• sLp aRd 12+
• sUper tIreD wEn aWoke lo… rEally fEel sUper RestlEss la… I agreed wif my godsis sAying!! dE mOre cHoice I’m gIven, de deeper dilemma I’m in!!!! hAiz

********************************** wHat aM i sUppoSe tO dO???? aRgH!!**********************************


Thursday, August 13 Y 4:15 PM

nOt muCh tO sAy tOdAy!! sO enD uP pOsting nOnsEnsE.. haHa =))Of cSe bEta dEn nTh rIte?? bLarss =B
I lOve tIs sOng --- My lOve wIll gEt yOu hOme!! fRom tHe sHoW 溏心風暴 tHou it's qUite lOng liAo la.. hEhE =D EnJoys!! (bY sEarcHing the sOng utsElf, hEhe)

BUT i had pRoviDed yOu gUys thE lYrIc.... >.<

# hEre's tHe lyRic 4 it #

If you wander off too far
My love will get you home
If you follow the wrong star
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If the bright lights blinds your eyes
My love will get you home
If your troubles break your stride
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever feel ashame
My love will get you home
If its only you to blame
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home

yEs i'LL if i fOund yOu xP mUaCkzz =*

********************************** wHat aM i sUppoSe tO dO???? aRgH!!**********************************


Wednesday, August 12 Y 10:13 AM

tOday reCeived a cAll frOm my pOly teAcher! hE cAlled to cOnfIrm wiF mi if i rEally wAn tO tK up the sPecialiSt csE?? thE rEasOn beHind it iS cAuse hE tiNk my resUlts are gUd & its cAn qualiFy fOr Uni eNtry. I'm in dIleMma agAin la!!

+ sHld i rEgisTer fOr the pRivAte U cSe - either biomedIcal/bIotech & moleCular bio oR PharmacEutical sci +

The deadline fOr the rEgiStration closes on 15th August which iS aBt tWo mOre Days la!! bUt if i registERed fOr it, i not onlY gOt to Pay fOr the rEg fEE ($50++) bUt oSo gOt to pAy fOr an ENG test (IELTS-- $300+) aS i fLunk my "O" Level Eng!! eNglish jUz bRing trOuble to mi la..... rOar @.@ wHr tO fInd mOney??? tHou it's jUz a sMall amT bUt wAt if i Passed aLL the requiRements?? wHr to tK the mOney to sTudy U?? i sUrelY woUldn't waNna aNy lOans la!!! hAiz =( Pple wHo nOe mi shld nOe tT i hAte to bOrrow mOney fRom others de la. i nOe u gUys will sAy i'm stUbborn & Tell mI "if lOan mOney cAn seTtle everYthing aNd Make u nOt so Fan why not gO fOr it, rIgHt??? sInce after ur uNi, u wOrk liAo cAn rePay bAck de!" BUT uR wOnt reALLy uDs and nOe how aM fEEling & thInking lo.. sIanz!!

Ok la Not gG to tHink so muCh nOw!! iF nOt i ReaLLy gOnna be ki siAo (cRazY).... ='(

********************************** wHat aM i sUppoSe tO dO???? aRgH!!**********************************


Tuesday, August 11 Y 4:30 PM

gOt the reply frOm the police fOrce fOr qUitE sOme tiMe!! yEpp indEed cAn deFer the intAke seSSion tO a mOnTh laTer. For the tIme bEinG gOt to rEally tink hArd wAt i wAn le. aRgH!!! ~_~
wAt 2 do lehx???
++ sPecialisT dip, police oR gO pRivAte Uni????????? ++

wHo cAn hELp mi??? hAiX =/

************************* Wat tHe pOinT of bEinG sIngLe rAthEr dEn Gg iNtO A R/S??!! *************************


Y 11:04 AM

Ello everyone!! I’m back…. Hope ur still continue to view my blog regularly!! dOn lEt my blog fEel de LonelinEss. hEe xD

Fridae, went dental clinic again! Due to some personal reason cant reveal anything until everything is done! SECRETIVE hOrx?? Hehe =)) After that, mit mum to EXPO cos got METRO sAle. DonNo which KU KU told my mum that Friday is the last day of sAle la hAi wo MISS my 7pm channel U show again!! hAiz.. bUt nvm la Pei mum ba if nOt sHe so kelian la thou w/o us sHe still can shop happily!! kEke =D rEached hme nearly 11pm. Before that, opened my mailbox and saw reply from the police force. I’m having mixed feeling at that moment. cOz I still cant make a gud decision, if I shld jOin the pOlice force or continue wif my studies. mOst of them (pPle I consult) don really support dE idea of joining the police duE to my character, attitude & etc… haha!! BUT my godsis really gud la (SIS, u’re not bad either!! hehe), she gives mi a lot of encouragement and support and mostly imptly, suggestion instead of juz sAying support waTevA u do which dOn really sEemed useful when u asked for pples’s opinion & view la!! blArs =P Thanks worx!

I KEEP THINKING & TIHINKING & THINKING til I din really slp well over my long holiday la!! sIanz =( Hmmm…

SAtuRday, juz stay at home doing nth!! Finally, JY is out from his outfield.. hAha!! gUess gg to hear from his grumbling AGAIN liao!! Wahahah xD OoPs!! =P
hAf a lAte dinner & after tAt wEn to my hSe nearby park for sOme exercises!! At least sTiLL mAnaged to sWeAt la!! mEans I buRn sOme calories???? hEhe xD gEtting fAtter & fAtter la eVen MR ah how oSo sAy la!! SAD!!! =’((

fInally, it’s Sunday aka Singapore National day!! hUrray =B hAppy b'dAe sPore =))

Reserved seats at Marina Square HOTPOT CULTURE for 10pax to eAt & eNjoy watching firework at the same time. My main purpose dEre is not to watch the firework actually bUt to eAt instead!! Hahahha =P I noe pple sure gg to sAy I’m yAo Gui la ~_~ *FOR SURE!!* aNyway I enjoyeD myself very much and took quite a fair bit of photots!! hEhe.. At the sAme time, catch up with my cousins & MR ah how!! Talk until mY mOuth fEel sUper sUan la dEn still kena SUAN by my sis sAying “ISN’T IT YOU’RE ALWAYS TALKATIVE DE?? FEEL SUAN MEH???” kAozz… BAD horx??? =(( hOping & wAiting foR nXt gAthering!! =D FUN time really passed super fast lo…. **MISS**

sO it’s MOnday again!! Monday blues!!! NO, NO, NO not for yesterday cOs it’s still public holiday so nOt wOrking. yEahhh >.< aCc my sis to go TAMPINES library study cOs nxt 2 weEk she’ll be having her exam! She’s really serious & hardworking tis time round! Hoping she’ll passed WITH FLYING COLOURS ba =) **JIA YOU, JIE** You can do it. Don panick & nErVous! cOs if you do, you will mix up all those stuff u haf studied & memorized la!! MAN MAN lai.. GOD, PLS BLESS MY SIS cOs she really chiong & study hard for the cOming papers la… ALL the bEst & gud luck sis!! wIll pray hard 4 ya de!! =) In the library as I brought along my sis lappy, I decided to send an E-mail to the police force to request if I could delay my intake session as currently I’m working & nit a one month notice b4 leaving the current company!! (shhhh. JY dOn sAy anything abt it arh!! anything juz sAy in pRivAte =P ) Soooo….. In the meanwhile, still gOt time to think if I really wan to be a police officer or continue to study!! Hehe xP
hOpefully the response from the Specialist dip de will be out first ba!! If not very ma fan oso!! sianZZ.. cOs if I rejected police force & cant gEt in the specialist dip course, it’s like a waste oso lo!! Haixx =(( hArd to apply to be a officer again nXt time!! sUre gOt a bad record de.. =S FAN! FAN! FAN!!

For the time being, waiting for the reply from the police force ba!!

++ To be cOtinue xD ++

************************* Wat tHe pOinT of bEinG sIngLe rAthEr dEn Gg iNtO A R/S??!! *************************

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That girl.

Photobucket FaNg fAnG + Qi q!^^
21 this year and still quite playful
I can also be quite stubborn at times
haPPy gO lUcky, cheerFul, sporty, kind Of OptimisTic, Love to be DotE, cAre & LOved.
LaSt bUt nOt leaST ! love my family and cousins to bits! =)
A l!TTle biT mOre aBt mi: if i'm aLoNe. I'll sTaRt tO tHiNk wIldLy (dOnt t!nk diRtY, gUys!! xD)= sCaRed!!! ~ ~ WaNNa gEt to UdS mYsElf mOre cOs i'm aLreAdy qUite Old Le
bUt still dOnNo wAt i WaN in l!Fe.
*i dOn tHrOw !n tOwEl sO eAs!ly ^_-*
++Reach out 4 wAT u wAnT!! oR u wiLL RegRet...++ tAt iS wAt i pErSoNaLLy tHiNk thOugH I d!n fUlf!ll xD


Loves <33

Shopping, Camwhoring, sLeEPiNg, wAtchiNg tV, eAting, lOvEs eNtErtAinInG pPle =*....
SoUndEd lIke p!gGy liFe hOrx?? hEhE xD


(1) eArN mOrE $$$ fOr mY pAreNts sO dEy dOn haf tO sLog aNyMoRe
(2) wIsh 2 gO !ntO a R/S bUT aFra!d oF gEttiNg hUrt
(3) hOpe mY mR rIte cAn help mI conQuer thOse fEarS in Miii... mUacKzz =* pLs aPPeAr sOon!!
(4) tO gEt iNto tHe sPecIaliSt d!plOma cOuRse wHiCh i jUz AppLiEd fOr =D
(5) thInking =O ....
(6) thInking =O ....
(7) ....
(8) ...

More than words.

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Mind what you`re tagging.


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