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Sunday, July 4 Y 2:22 PM

hEllo... I'm back..
Hopefully i can maintain my blog regularly ba =) rEally hard to find time to update my pathetic blog! =(

Okies juz summarized wat i had bEen doing so far. Graduated from my specialist diploma in march den started working in my IA(industrial attachment)company, GSK.
Still learning as much as i can and finding my ways to master the tings dere.
Working is really SUPER DIFFERENT from studies! i PREFER skoling thou de assignments, teSts & etC can make mi breathless la.. hehe xD
I got to reAlly jia you =)

Hmmm... bEen several mths le dEn i reAlised i still cant forget and leT go oF....
Now de suitation allow 'US' le but ting turned out to be too LATE and from bad to WORST!! haIZ.. im really devastated la... Why muz it turned out to be this way lehx??
Anyway no point regretting oSo cAuse it's IMPOSSIBLE liao ba i guess =(
What i can do now is to devote myself with works, family and other things which can makes mi forget abt tis ba.. i believe time will heal up all wounda!! =P
GO! Go! gO! ^_^

Okies!! here smth nIce Posting to all my viewers ba =)


to all my friends who are single,
love is like a butterfly.
the more you chase it, the more it eludes you.
but if you just let it fly,
it will come to you when you least expect it.
love can make you happy but often it hurts,
but love is only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it.
so take your time and choose the best.

to all my friends who are attached,
love isn’t about becoming somebody else’s perfect person.
its about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

to all my friends who are just taking others for a ride,
never say "I love you" if you don’t care.
never talk about feelings if they aren’t there.
never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
never look in the eye when all you do is lie.
the cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl: is to let her fall in love;
when he doesn't intend to catch her fall
and it works both ways.

to all my friends who are engaged,
the true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together;
but how good you are for each other.

to all my friends who are married,
love is not about "its your fault", but "I'm sorry"
not "where are you", but "I’m right here"
not "how could you", but "I understand"
not "I wish you were", but "im thankful you are"

to all my friends who are heartbroken,
heartbreaks last as long as you want;
and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
the challenge is not how to survive a heartbreaks,
but to learn from them.

to all my friends who are naïve,
how to be in love: be consistent but not too persistent.
share and never be unfair.
understand and try not to demand.
and get hurt but never keep the pain.

to all my friends who are possessive,
it breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else.
but its more painful to know that the one you love;
is unhappy with you.

to all my friends who are afraid to confess,
love hurts when you break up with someone.
it hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
but love hurts the most: when the person you love
has no idea about how you feel about him/her.

to all my friends who are still holding on,
a sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love,
only to find out in the end it was never meant to be;
and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn’t worth it.
if that person doesn’t worth it now,
its not going to be worth it in a year or 10 years from now.

to all my friends who are who you are,
this post is not meant to offend anybody.
im sorry if its hurt you in any way,
its just a post for all to share.

*So PLS tReasUre eVeryTiNg wEn u oWn it & dOn tAke it 4 gRanted!
If nOt u gOnna be lIke mi rEgRetIng ='((*

wIshIng uPon dE sTars ……!!!!! I LOVE YA =*

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************

Thursday, November 26 Y 8:15 PM

tiring man! yéäh! finally dèré's a PH again! hèhé..


was feeling tired but thou of meeting frèñè out to eat jiü make me more awake n energetic. hèé. i nöè someone göñnä say me yäo gui rite?? hähà. initially thou of having sakae sushi buffet dinner dè but who nöè century square don häf dinner buffet lä. dèñ cös JY is rather yäo gui dè so if we gö for ala-carte sürè bo hua ma so in dè end we headed for pasta mania :P we ordered dè same dish-seafood pasta soup with drink plus garlic bread. it's was nice thou tis is dè first time i tried it. worth trying guys! as usual, JY usually help me order food dè (quite gentleman lä ) so tis time round no exception too. i wanted to pay him but in dè end it's his treat again! cäñ pay tåt he's really rich lä no work still treat me for ür meal. wäh! hähà =] nevertheless thank buddy! ;D enjoy myself yesterday n dö catch üp quite a fair bit. yéäh ^ ^

reached hömè after bathing n etc see it's still early so decided to dö my logbook reflection for last week. planned to dö it yesterday but after using com it was rather late thus delayed dè plan. luckily still manage to dö it by tis week so still ok =>

ok lä shall end here lé. will update again dè. hèé.

* back to old statue but tink smth will still happen dè lö but hopefully DON lä xD *

haiZzzzz ='((

wIshIng uPon dE sTars ……!!!!! I LOVE YA =*

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************

Monday, November 23 Y 8:35 PM

hmmm.. it's really seemed years i haven updated my blog.

Hoping güd things will comes after tis! Gèr, jüz treat it as a experience bä!

2nd day [22-11-09] of peaceful life?? really??!! finally don häf to meet out almost every week. it's really tiring n make me lose my original self! finally it's over!

thou im still adapting to it n haven really get it over but i will try my very best to restrict n control myself from doing tings which might let me regret ör perhaps making myself a fool.

*pls bè güd! endure n everything will söòñ bè over! definitely yöù don wan any sarcastic words from ... anymore rite?! so bè sensible n listen here =P*

really super no mood n restless after tåt incident. i nöè i might bè at fault n makes ... effort gö down dè drain but shld ... say such unpleasant stuff out even how angry he is at tåt moment? if yöù got dè chance to see tis, pls repent öñ it. don always tink others r always at fault. quarrel start with two hands ökiès!! perhaps it's really rite thing yöù choose to listen ür ... ( yöù shld nöè who m i referring to =X ) shall nöt saY anything further since wanting to let gö n forget!

Done ñth müch seemed nöt really in dè rite condition. after awoke from my nap, sis msged n asked if wanna gö punggol marina to dine? initially don wan dè cös last week jüz went for güd food n thus of csè to to save üp lä. dèñ at last, ming n sis they decided to treat dè whole famil1 hèhé XD yéäh!! happy sia. thanks ärh lets yöù guys po fei lé.. wanted to häf bbq cum steamboat dè but nöt müch variety left thus in dè end taken our dinner in dè restaürant dèré=) nöt too bad but i tink some of dè dishes sell cu my hsè downstairs seemed nicer. ösö my mum cook dè chilli crab is müch beta dèñ it lö.. but dè crab meat is super thick n lot lä. wow =O hèhé.. enjoy myself n definitely brighten my ñité. thank guys.

* no matter wät family is always dè best n ösö no matter wät happens dèy r dè one who stand beside me, encouraging n comforting me lä. thank god for giving me such a güd treatment! i 'll really really cherish n treasure hard!! müåckx =* *

it's monday again but it's also gg to end of dè day lé. hèhé. monday blue lä. tired after whole day outside. siänx. göñnä dö my reflection töñitè n start my other assignments söòñ bä. hèhé.. ökiès lä göñnä stop here. will try to update my post often dè. päisèh!

wIshIng uPon dE sTars ……!!!!! I LOVE YA =*

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************

Sunday, September 27 Y 10:20 PM

Kind of forgotten his b'dae la. oops =X cOs i'm really really super busy with my skol work =) Luckily siang called mi and arrange the time to mit if not jiu chan le!!

Anyway, we bought CK perfume for him. Of cOurse not bcos he is SMELLY la. Actually quite hesitatant when choosing gift for him cos never sense him with perfume before. haha =) dOn aNyhow tink horx, gUys!! xD

Anyway, hAppy bIrthday to ya, kEn =P mAy all ur wished come TRUE!! =)

The food was okies and de cake for yesterday which is the key thing was really nice and delicious lo xD yUmmy. Actually don wanna eAt de but dey birthday boy and other frens keep insisting on eating lo. So no choice got to eat!! bUt it's tAstY la so hEng arh!! =P hEe.

Anyway, really enjoyed myself yesterdae thou kena sabo by frens cos dey wanna REVENGE back!! hehe XD iM reAlly super dUper paisEh lo =X But quite shUang also =D

okies la gonns sTop here le. it's getting late and still gto class early morning tml!! =( sIanz.....

wIshIng uPon dE sTars ……!!!!!

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************

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Friday, September 25 Y 10:22 PM

It's friday again!! yeahoooo ^_^

Since it's end of the week, so juz grab some free time to do some posting to gif you guys some updates of mi during studies =)

This week is super packing, busy and tiring!! More tedious deN expected! ARGH!! The class should start from 9am and end at 5pm. But usually delay till 6plus! SIANz meh... =( dEn after reaching home, tk the dinner and watch some TV show, it's like no time for self study la! kAoz. Really super jia lat lei @@

Worst of all is that not even a week of lecture, and dere is quiz on bioreactor operation topic one today!! sIao le la.. Gg CRAZY soon if things go on this way. Still got few practical assigments that muz be handed in tis coming monday and tuesday respectively!! Don you tink rreally lot of stuff???

** Juz endUre fOr bEta fuTure **

Studied for the today quiz two days ago and woke up at p plus juz to prepare myself for the quiz today. The note seemed easy to read but then nth seemed to go into my mind!! Izzit cos of too long break after graduation or still in holiday mode?? I dOubt so. I really put in effort to study lei.. haiz =( End up today quiz was like WHAT THE FISH la.. studied the whole topic and juz got one question come out for the quiz (8marks), asking from a particular part of the Topic one of the subject! The qn is: LIST 4 components on the bioreactor or inside the bioreactor, excluding auxillary components.

It's was ok but no confident to get FULL marks cos bound to haf some mistakes in between! During the quiz, i suddenly blank up la!!! CANT REALLY RMB WAT I HAF STUDIED N MEMORISED!! I was really super nervous la. While writting down the answer, my hand is like trembling lo. GOD, pls don make mi nervous unduly lei!! I juz felt very useless of myself la. Juz a small tutorial quiz & can make mi worried, nervous & streSsEd over it!!! HAIZ =( Why am i behaving tis way??

Hmmm.... The teacher i mentioned in my previous posting suddenly turns out to be gud man la. He suddenly teaches us patiently & explain every points clearly! WOW... Izzit bcos last friday he's not in the rite mood or he did went home and repent wat he had did to mi?? Hehe xD But i'm very happy & glad that at least this week nth sad happen. soOooo PHEWwww... kEke =)But this week lecture was kind of difficult especially for the Bioreator operation subject. Cos there's a lot of calculation la, which i hated most cos im very weak with it. Sianz.. I'm stress again as my classmates seemed to understand all while i'm like so toopid don uds la. Perhaps, espeacially for today lesson, involved A maths which im super weak in lo.. Sooooo pardon urself from the stupidity title ba!! hehe =P Jia You, LF =D You can do it!!

wIshIng uPon dE sTars ……!!!!!

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Friday, September 18 Y 9:47 PM

Class started today!! sUper dUpEr tired la. cAnt wake uP cOs Of the 2 wEeks relaXing resting & slacking. keke =P

**NeRdY mi** On my sPectacle tO cLass tHe fIrsT dAe!! hEhE =) TU LA..... LOL xD

Lesson in the morning was fine until afternoon LAB LESSON!!! STUPID FUCKER TEACHER... Are you lOoking down on mi?? Are you trying to insult mi??
Guys, Ask you, isn't it we suppose to raise any doubts if we don noe?? If not, we go skol wat fOr? WHY shld i still pay skol fee for??? KAOZ @ @
I can straight away go into that field to wrk lo rather den seeing ur IDIOTIC face.
I really donno den i ask de wat. If not u tink i too free meh?? Moreover, even we learnt previously, can oso still forgot de ma!! you thou I'm computer meh?? Can store everything inside my memory card? Even the card &/or computer might oso kena virus and at the end, mux oso reformat it b4 it can be used again & Eveything in dE eNd miGhT oso be lose wat!! MOREOVER, I'M JUZ A PURE HUMAN BEING LA.

Imagine if now Mi & you (FREAKY teacher) swtich position, and you ask mi the sAme qn and i use the despising look whiCh yOu used on mi & rEtuRn bACk it tO yOu and ask wat course you r previously from, wat u will tink?? I very kindly n politely asking you qn & see since most pple understand, i wanted you to carry on the lesson so after the class i can ask u instead so tAt i wont interrupt or delay the ProgrEss oF the cLass. But kindness dont buget kindness!!! Wat i got back is that shameful insultation & look!! I noe others are smart. But not all have the same learning pace la! I'm slower BUT cant u got more patient to teach mi?? I'm super disgusted by ur look & talking NOW.!!! DOn talk much on ur philosophy la!! I don tink you are qualified to be a TEACHER at all la!! PLS repent on ur stupid action!!!

>>>> Did i say wrongly?? WAt's the point of smearing & ruining his repuation?? NO point lo.. Not as if he's my family's enemy la!!! I really Cant stand him!!!

Hao le.. dOn waNna tink so mUch le or else mOOd really gOnna affect by the pErson badly la!! hUmph!!

>>>> StaY tUnE =))

wIshIng uPon dE sTars …….!!!!!

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


Sunday, September 6 Y 1:51 PM

HmMm... I finally maDe up my decision le. taking up specialist dIp course hOping i'll not regret fOr de decision i made & oso hOping i'll like it and made fUll uSe of WatevA skills i hAd lEaRnt!! =)

sKol gOnna start in lEss dEn 2 wEeks time & i gOnna enjoy my life tis 2 wEeks if nOt wEn sKol sTarts, it'll be haRd to haf a reAl guD rEsting time le xD hOpefully everything will goes smOoth sAiling ba ^_-

dEre's a lOt of tIngs which i wAnna do & tRy bUt i jUz dOn daRe. I'm aFraid i mIght regret in fUture & miSs the oPportUnity fOr nOt trYing oUt!! hAiz.. Anyway, in life dere isnt muCh tIme for ones to regret for sMth.. eVen i mIgHt rEgrEt in fUtUre, i'll sTill mOve on & mAke bEta TMl fOr mySelf =B

>>>> wIll tRy upDatinG my bLog oFten dE =)

wIshIng uPon dE sTars ……!!!!!

********************************** LoVes <3 --- iMaGiNe mi W/O yOu!!! **********************************


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That girl.

Photobucket FaNg fAnG + Qi q!^^
21 this year and still quite playful
I can also be quite stubborn at times
haPPy gO lUcky, cheerFul, sporty, kind Of OptimisTic, Love to be DotE, cAre & LOved.
LaSt bUt nOt leaST ! love my family and cousins to bits! =)
A l!TTle biT mOre aBt mi: if i'm aLoNe. I'll sTaRt tO tHiNk wIldLy (dOnt t!nk diRtY, gUys!! xD)= sCaRed!!! ~ ~ WaNNa gEt to UdS mYsElf mOre cOs i'm aLreAdy qUite Old Le
bUt still dOnNo wAt i WaN in l!Fe.
*i dOn tHrOw !n tOwEl sO eAs!ly ^_-*
++Reach out 4 wAT u wAnT!! oR u wiLL RegRet...++ tAt iS wAt i pErSoNaLLy tHiNk thOugH I d!n fUlf!ll xD


Loves <33

Shopping, Camwhoring, sLeEPiNg, wAtchiNg tV, eAting, lOvEs eNtErtAinInG pPle =*....
SoUndEd lIke p!gGy liFe hOrx?? hEhE xD


(1) eArN mOrE $$$ fOr mY pAreNts sO dEy dOn haf tO sLog aNyMoRe
(2) wIsh 2 gO !ntO a R/S bUT aFra!d oF gEttiNg hUrt
(3) hOpe mY mR rIte cAn help mI conQuer thOse fEarS in Miii... mUacKzz =* pLs aPPeAr sOon!!
(4) tO gEt iNto tHe sPecIaliSt d!plOma cOuRse wHiCh i jUz AppLiEd fOr =D
(5) thInking =O ....
(6) thInking =O ....
(7) ....
(8) ...

More than words.

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Mind what you`re tagging.


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Tagboard: cbox.ws.com
Music: imeem